The Introduction

Introduction Scene

Int. You's bedroom - Dawn

The camera fades into an alarm clock displaying "06:59" in a red LED display. Suddenly the clock displays "07:00" and with a click, the radio starts to play. The camera stars to pan towards the bed.

Cecil (V.O.)

(Over the radio.)

Starting now, we play a game.

The camera continues to pan towards the window and facing down revealing YOU. YOU is starting to wake up from his bed, but stays under the covers. The narration continues.

Cecil (V.O.)

A game in which you are the pawn in an elaborate production where you will know much about yourself, only to find you never really existed in the first place.

The camera moves towards the window of the bedroom, revealing a view of the town of Night Vale.

Cecil (V.O.)

But for now, you need to worry about the black helicopters buzzing by your window. Welcome to Night Vale.

The camera pans above as the crescendo of the Night Vale theme start. The camera trucks past the helicopter to a perspective shot of the town of Night Vale, matching the Welcome to Night Vale logo.

Welcome to Night Vale A desert community.

On the surface, Night Vale it's a desert town which gives the feeling of a hair over your eye that you just can't seem to brush off. Something just beyond view that's horribly wrong. Once you scratch a little part of the surface, you begin to see your perceptions are wrong. Night Vale contains many secrets.

The story centers around You, a man who found himself mysteriously in this strange town. Though an astronomical event, You left his fiancee and found his new found freedom to to reinvent himself. He has a job, moving strange crates around for an employer whom You does not know. But they pay You for services rendered, and You is content with that.

That is, until events involving a dog park and missing interns causes You to be more involved with the mysteries that center around Night Vale.


The following games share some influence to the game play in certain aspects.